آرت كاردن هو زميل أول في المعهد الأمريكي للبحوث الاقتصادية. وهو أيضًا أستاذ مشارك في الاقتصاد في جامعة سامفورد في برمنغهام بولاية ألاباما وزميل باحث في المعهد المستقل.
At first glance, a lot of the social problems and resource waste emerging from government intervention seem pretty easy to fix: the government should just stop doing whatever it is doing that is creating the problems and the waste. The stubborn persistence of institutions and organizations that keep societies poor is a vexing problem for social scientists. In Political Capitalism, the economist Randall Holcombe takes on this problem by analyzing “political capitalism” as a distinct economic system with its own logic and features rather than as some kind of midpoint between capitalism and socialism.