

Toxic Waste at Love Canal––Who Really Cares About the Environment?

My topic is environmental philosophy and hazardous wastes. There are lots of benefits to living in a high-tech society—but there are also...

Feb 4, 2019
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
7 Mins
The Climate of Collectivism: From Hegel to the Twentieth Century

In the nineteenth century the question of the true meaning of socialism was a live issue among collectivists of all stripes. Kant, Herder...

Jan 22, 2019
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
9 Mins
Self Pride Matters

There are dozens of Black History Month “reading lists” which include many books you might expect, ranging from biographies of civil rights

Feb 22, 2018
Jennifer A. Grossman
3 Mins
Not #MeToo, but #MeFirst

What would you rather be remembered for: “Read my lips” or “Dodge my hands”? Breaking the tax pledge was once considered the low point...

Nov 3, 2017
Jennifer A. Grossman
10 Mins
Where Brawn Meets Brain

Maybe it was the cover of Atlas Shrugged that caught the attention of the weight-lifting community. Artist Nick Gaetano’s iconic cover art

Jun 17, 2017
Jennifer A. Grossman
3 Mins
Would Ayn Rand Airbnb? Why a Superhost is a Selfish Host

My first night as an Airbnb host was a near disaster.I thought I was prepared. Glamour shots of the house – check. Coffee maker – check...

May 6, 2017
Jennifer A. Grossman
5 Mins
Ruled or Principled?

After a noisy and sometimes nasty presidential election, and the upset victory of Donald Trump, and the turmoil of his first days in office

Feb 2, 2017
David Kelley Ph.D
9 Mins
Can You Love God and Ayn Rand? | WSJ

Ayn Rand’s most adamant axiom forms the foundation of her Objectivist philosophy: “Contradictions do not exist.” But what about the

Dec 13, 2016
Jennifer A. Grossman
5 Mins
Rand Rising in India: Entrepreneurial Philosophy Attracts New Interest in Ancient Civilization

Fifty years ago today I was born in New Delhi, India. My parents were in the Peace Corps — my father....

Nov 8, 2016
Jennifer A. Grossman
5 Mins
Date the Atlas, Not the Shrug

Ayn Rand ruined my date last night, and here's why that's a good thing.

Mar 17, 2016
Jennifer A. Grossman
4 Mins
Why Man Needs Art

Art is widely thought of as indefinable, inherently subjective, and disconnected from any practical need or concern. Many modern thinkers

Jan 25, 2012
David Kelley Ph.D
7 Mins
The Corruption of Democracy

Political reformers have long dreamed of driving money from the temple of democracy. They argue that campaign contributions from wealthy individuals and interest groups buy influence--government subsidies, relief from burdensome regulations, and special-interest amendments to legislation--in violation of the principle of "one-man, one-vote." Money also pays for abrasive "issue ads" during election season, poisoning the town-meeting atmosphere of rational discussion that democratic idealists dream of.

Oct 12, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
11 mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.