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Are you a campus chapter leader for a liberty organization looking to bring speakers to your campus this school year? 

As experts in their respective fields, including Philosophy, Economics, Business, Journalism, and Academic Writing, our faculty have authored countless books on Objectivism, Postmodernism, Capitalism, Libertarianism, Socialism, and race relations. They’ve been interviewed by Jordan Peterson, James Lindsay, and Tucker Carlson and are published in academic literature as well as The Wall Street Journal, The Objective Standard, The Cato Journal, and The Federalist to name just a few.

Richard M. Salsman Ph.D.

Senior Scholar

Dr. Richard Salsman is an assistant professor of political economy at Duke University, founder and president of InterMarket Forecasting, Inc., a senior fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research, and senior scholar at The Atlas Society. In the 1980s and 1990s he was a banker at the Bank of New York and Citibank and an economist at Wainwright Economics. He speaks frequently before pro-liberty student groups, including Students for Liberty (SFL), Young Americans for Liberty(YAL), Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), and the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and currently hosts a monthly webinar and podcast for students entitled Morals & Markets which explores the intersections between ethics, politics, economics, and markets relating to contemporary issues and current events. FULL BIO

Salsman's Preferred Topics for Speaking Engagements: "The moral superiority of capitalism", "Ayn Rand's The virtue of selfishness", "Ayn Rand’s case for objectivity", "The Economics and Politics of Cryptocurrencies", Three roads to capitalism: conservatism, libertarianism, objectivism", "Free market money and banking systems", "Why capitalism isn’t cronyism", "Trumpism as America's Future: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", "The virtue of profit-seeking and profit-making", "The productive prowess of the financial sector", "Public finance in despotic versus free societies", “Stakeholder” capitalism is fascistic, "Capitalism’s fallacious foes", "Why environmentalism is anti-capitalism", The impossibility of “anarcho-capitalism”, "The immorality of the welfare state, Why inequality of outcomes is just"

Stephen Hicks Ph.D.

Senior Scholar

Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D, Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University, is a Senior Scholar for The Atlas Society, as well as the Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship also at Rockford University. In 2010, he won his university's Excellence in Teaching Award. Professor Hicks has been interviewed alongside the likes of Jordan B. Peterson, James Lindsay, and Glenn Beck. He currently curates The Atlas Society’s Atlas Intellectuals Courses and hosts a monthly Atlas Intellectuals webinar! FULL BIO

Hicks' Preferred Topics for Speaking Engagements: "Postmodernism", "Philosophy",  "Philosophies of Education", "Economic Freedom", "Famous Philosophers and their works"; (anyone from Marx and Engels, to Mussolini, Gentile, Kant, Hegel, Foucault, Nietzsche, and Ayn Rand), "Capitalism's Friends and Foes", "Ethics", "Objectivism"

Robert Tracinski

Senior Fellow

Rob Tracinski studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and has been a writer, lecturer, and commentator for more than 25 years. He is the editor of Symposium, a journal of political liberalism, is a columnist for Discourse magazine, and writes The Tracinski Letter. He is the author of So Who Is John Galt Anyway? A Reader’s Guide to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.  FULL BIO

Tracinski's Preferred Topics for Speaking Engagements: "Ayn Rand's Answer for Our Woke Era," "What if the World Isn't Ending? The Lessons of Human Progress," "Reading Plato to Own the Libs," "Pathological Altruism and Toxic Charity: The Case for the Morality of Self-Interest," "Reason and Freedom," "Five Things Conservatives Can Learn from Ayn Rand"

Jennifer A. Grossman


Jennifer Anju Grossman -- JAG-- became the CEO of the Atlas Society in March of 2016. Since then she’s shifted the organization's focus to engage young people with the ideas of Ayn Rand in creative ways. Prior to joining The Atlas Society, she served as Senior Vice President of Dole Food Company, launching the Dole Nutrition Institute — a research and education organization— at the behest of Dole Chairman David H. Murdock. She also served as Director of Education at the Cato Institute, and worked closely with the late philanthropist Theodore J. Forstmann to launch the Children's Scholarship Fund. A speechwriter for President George H. W. Bush, Grossman has written for both national and local publications.  She graduated with honors from Harvard. FULL BIO

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We promote open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom.